UL 2043 空气处理场所使用的个别分离性产品及其附件热和可见烟雾释放的防火测试

UL 2043 Fire test for heat and visible smoke release for discrete products and their accessories installed in air-handling spaces

UL  2043 空气处理场所使用的个别分离性产品及其附件热和可见烟雾释放的防火测试

UL 认证简称


独立部件UL认证  UL 2043-标准名称:

UL 2043 Fire test for heat and visible smoke release for discrete products and their accessories installed in air-handling spaces

UL  2043 空气处理场所使用的个别分离性产品及其附件热和可见烟雾释放的防火测试

独立部件UL认证  UL 2043-标准范围:


独立部件UL认证  UL 2043-涵盖范围:

– This is a fire test method for determining the fire performance response of discrete products (electrical equipment) intended to be installed in air handling spaces, such as above suspended ceilings. these products are subjected to an open flame ignition source and evaluated using a product calorimeter.

– The purpose of this test is to determine the rate of heat release and the rate of smoke release of the burning product samples as they relate to the requirements for fire-resistant and low-smoke-producing characteristics in accordance with the provisions of the National Electric Code, NFPA 70.

– This test method does not provide information on the performance of products in other fire or test conditions. this test does not investigate the toxicity if the product of combustion.

-This test does not cover the constructional, electrical, or other performance requirements of the product.

独立部件UL认证  UL 2043-参考值:

  1. Heat release rate热释放
  2. Smoke release rate烟雾释放
  3. Normalized optical density光源密度
  4. Other constant其他常数

独立部件UL认证  UL 2043-相关参考标准

GB /T 9779复层建筑涂料

GB /T 9978建筑构件耐火试验方法

BS 476-20:建筑材料和构件的防火测试.第20部分:建筑构件耐火的测试方法(一般原理)

BS 476-21:建筑材料和构件的防火测试.第21部分:承重构件耐火的测试方法

BS 476-22:非载荷建筑元件防火测试方法

EN 13501-1: 建筑制品和构件的火灾分级第一部分:用对火反应试验数据的分级

DIN 4102-1: 建筑材料和构件的防火性能第一部分:建筑材料要求和测试的分类等级

NF P 92-501: 法国材料阻燃防火测试M等级测定-刚性材料(M0,M1,M2,M3,M4)

NF P 92-503: 法国材料阻燃防火测试M等级测定-柔性材料(M0,M1,M2,M3,M4)

BS 476: 建筑材料阻燃测试,防火测试
