UL 10C Standard for positive pressure fire tests of door assemblies
UL 10C 针对门配件的正压防火测试
UL 认证简称:
防火门UL认证 – UL 10C-标准名称:
UL 10C Standard for positive pressure fire tests of door assemblies
UL 10C 针对门配件的正压防火测试
防火门UL认证 – UL 10C-标准范围:
防火门UL认证 – UL 10C-涵盖范围:
– These methods of fire tests are applicable to door assemblies, including door frames with lights and panels, of various material and types of construction for use in wall openings to retard the passage of fire. the method does not provide an evaluation of a swinging door assembly when that assembly as part of a larger assembly(e.g. sliding fire door assembly),or when it is intended to be used as an elevator entrance.
– Tests made in conformity with these test methods are intended to register performance during the test exposure; but such tests shall not be construed as determining suitability for use after exposure to fire.
-It is the intent that tests made in conformity with these test methods allow for the development of data to enable regulatory bodies is determine the suitability of door assemblies for use in locations where fire resistance of a specified duration is required.
-These methods are intended to evaluate the ability of a door assembly to remain in an opening during a predetermined test exposure.
-The tests expose a specimen to a standard fire exposure controlled to achieve specified temperatures throughout a specified time period, followed by the application of a specified standard fire hose stream, the exposure, however is not representative of all fire conditions , which vary with changes in the amount, nature, and distribution of fire loading , ventilation, compartment size and configuration, and heat sink characteristics of the compartment, it does, however provide a relative measure of fire performance of door assemblies under these specified fire exposure conditions.
防火门UL认证 – UL 10C-标准概述:
防火门UL认证 – UL 10C-标准时间—温度曲线:
1000°F (538°C) at 5 min
1462°F (795°C)at 20 min
1550°F (843°C) at 30 min
1700°F (927°C) at 1 h
1850°F (1010°C) at 2 h
2000°F (1093°C) at 4 h
防火门UL认证 – UL 10C-相关参考标准
GB /T 9779复层建筑涂料
GB /T 9978建筑构件耐火试验方法
BS 476-20:建筑材料和构件的防火测试.第20部分:建筑构件耐火的测试方法(一般原理)
BS 476-21:建筑材料和构件的防火测试.第21部分:承重构件耐火的测试方法
BS 476-22:非载荷建筑元件防火测试方法
EN 13501-1: 建筑制品和构件的火灾分级第一部分:用对火反应试验数据的分级
DIN 4102-1: 建筑材料和构件的防火性能第一部分:建筑材料要求和测试的分类等级
NF P 92-501: 法国材料阻燃防火测试M等级测定-刚性材料(M0,M1,M2,M3,M4)
NF P 92-503: 法国材料阻燃防火测试M等级测定-柔性材料(M0,M1,M2,M3,M4)
BS 476: 建筑材料阻燃测试,防火测试