
Germany LFGB (LMBG) Food and Feed Law § 30, 31

LFGB 测试要求:

  1. General Plastic 一般塑料制品或橡胶或有机涂层通用要求
  2. Test for plastic lid and O-ring 杯盖内塑料垫片或垫圈
  3. PVC 聚氯乙烯
  4. Melamine 三聚氰氨树脂(美耐皿,密胺)制品
  5. PE, PP 聚乙烯,聚丙烯
  6. PS,ABS, SAN, Acrylic, Methary 聚苯乙烯聚酯,聚酯,丙烯酸塑料制品要求
  7. PA 聚酰胺(尼龙)制品要求
  8. PC 聚碳酸酯塑料制品要求
  9. Poly(threphthalic acid diol esters), PET塑料制品要求
  10. Acetal resins POM 塑料制品要求
  11. Silicone rubber 硅橡胶制品要求
  12. Rubber, TPR, TPE 橡胶或弹性体制品要求
  13. Paper(not applicable for paper and board used in microwave oven)
    纸制品要求 (不适用于微波炉使用的纸张
  14. Baking paper 烘焙纸
  15. PU and TPU 聚胺酯,聚亚胺酯制品要求
  16. Polymer coating for cooking purpose 有机涂层(烹饪用),例如特富龙
  17. Wood 木材
  18. Glass and Enamel ware 玻璃,搪瓷制品要求
  19. Ceramic 陶瓷84/500/EEC
  20. Metal, Metal alloy and electroplated(exclude aluminum) 金属、合金、镀层(除了铝)
  21. Al and Al alloy 纯铝和铝合金
  22. Textile material 纺织品
  23. Activated carbon and Charcoal 活性炭、木炭
  24. Vinylidene Chloride Copolymers with a Predominant Content of (PVDC)偏聚氯乙烯
  25. Product in contact with mouth lip or mouth cavity directly. eg. Toothbrush, drinking straw
  26. product in prolonged contact with skin (over 1 hour upon usage) eg. Handle of food roller
    产品会接触皮肤的把手 (使用超过一小时)
  27. Metallic product in prolonged contact with skin (over 1 hour upon usage) eg. Handle of food roller
    会接触皮肤的金属产品把手 (超过一小时)
  28. Dyed product in prolonged contact with skin (over 1 hour upon usage) eg. Table napkins染色产品会接触皮肤的延伸部分 (使用超过一小时)例如:餐巾
  29. vacuum thermal bulb used in water canister or water jar真空保温瓶