ISO 7765-1:1988 (薄膜) Plastics film and sheeting — Determination of impact resistance by the free-falling dart method — Part 1: Staircase methods
ISO 7765-1:1988 (薄膜) 塑料薄膜和薄板 — — 自由落体冲击阻力测定飞镖方法 — — 第 1 部分: 梯级法
样品要求:A4大小, 20 pcs
Specifies methods for the determination of the energy, that causes plastics films and sheet less than 1 mm in thickness to fail under specified conditions of impact of a free falling dart from a specified height, tha would result in failure of 50 % of the specimes tested. Two methods are described. Method A employs a dart with 38 mm diameter hemispherical head, dropped from a height of 0,66 m, and method B employs a dart with a 50 mm diameter hemispherical head dropped from a height of 1,50 m. The measurement technique is the stairecase method.