IEC 61034在规定条件下的电缆燃烧烟密度测量

IEC 61034:2005(GB/T 17651)在规定条件下的电缆燃烧烟密度测量

IEC 61034:2005 (GB/T 17651) Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions


IEC 61034:2005 (GB/T 17651):空调在温度(23±5)°C至少16小时之前测试。

IEC 61034:2005 (GB/T 17651)样品要求:

when cable diameter overrall 5 mm, the gross sample = 1.00 m ×N1,and the N1 value refered to the left table / 当电缆直径大于等于5mm时,样品总量与若干根1.00m的试样组成,根数按照右边表格计算

when cable diameter less than 5 mm, but not less than 1 mm, the gross sample = 7×1.00 m ×N2,and the N2 value refered to the left formulae / 当电缆直径小于5mm, 不小于1mm时,样品总量与若干束1.00m的试样组成,束数按照右边公式计算



diameter>10mm 10m

5<diameter≤10mm 20m

diameter<5mm 120m

测试周期: 标准(5个工作天), 加快(3 个工作天).