DIN EN 60332-1-2:2004单根垂直燃烧测试

DIN EN 60332-1-2:2004单根垂直燃烧测试

DIN EN 60332-1-2:2004 Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions—Part 1-2: Test for vertical flame propagation for a single insulated wire or cable—Procedure for 1 KW pre-mixed flame and is for general use, except that the procedure specified of less than 0.5mm2 total cross-section because the conductor melts before the test is completed, or for the testing of small optical fibre cables because the cable is broken before the test is completes. In these cases, the procedure giver in DIN EN IEC 60332-2-2 is recommended.

DIN EN 60332-1-2:2004 着火条件下电缆和光缆的测试,单根绝缘电线电缆的垂直,蔓延测试,1kw预混火焰法。横截面积小于0.5mm2 电缆除外,因为在测试结束前,电缆会断裂。在此情况下,测试程序按照DIN EN 60332-2-2进行。


DIN EN 60332-1-2:2004测试方法

测试样品为(600± 25)mm的电线电缆。

单根电线电缆垂直火焰燃烧同时满足如下要求被认为通过此测试。 电缆上端的破坏范围不能超过距上夹具50mm处。

