ASTM E595 Standard Test Method for Total Mass Loss and Collected Volatile Condensable Materials from Outgassing in a Vacuum Environment / ASTM E595 真空环境下除气作用引起的总质量损失和挥发物质冷凝量的测试
ASTM E 595 Outgassing test 除气测试–测试环境
预处理环境:73F/50%(24小时) 后置环境:73F/50%(24小时)
测试参数:在257±2F(125°C)温度,真空度单位≤5 x 10-5压强情况下24小时除气
This test method covers a screening technique to determine volatile content of materials when exposed to a vacuum environment. Two parameters are measured: total mass loss (TML) and collected volatile condensable materials (CVCM).An additional parameter, the mount of water vapor regained (WVR), can also be obtained after completion of exposures and measurements required for TML and CVCM.
ASTM E 595 Outgassing test 除气测试– 测试范围
ASTM E 595 Outgassing test 除气测试– 标准要求
CVCM (collected volatile condensable materials)挥发物质冷凝量, 要求≤0.1%
TML (total mass loss)总质量亏损,要求≤1%
WVR (the amount of water vapor regained)水汽量
ASTM E 595 Outgassing test 除气测试项目 | 测试内容 | 标准要求 |
CVCM | 挥发物质冷凝量 | ≤0.1% |
TML | 总质量亏损 | ≤1% |
WVR | 水汽量 | 宣告 |