ASTM D6110 简支梁冲击强度测试

ASTM D6110-10 Standard Test Method for Determining the Charpy Impact Resistance of Notched Specimens of Plastics

ASTM D6110-10  简支梁冲击强度测试


周期: 7~9个工作日


This test method is used to determine the resistance of plastics to breakage by flexural shock as indicated by the energy extracted from standardized pendulum-type hammers, mounted in standardized machines, in breaking standard specimens with one pendulum swing. This test method requires specimens to be made with a milled notch. The notch produces a stress concentration which promotes a brittle, rather than a ductile, fracture. The results of this test method are reported in terms of energy absorbed per unit of specimen width.


这种测试方法用于确定破损的塑料抗弯曲冲击,从标准化 摆式锤,安装在标准化的机器,在打破一个钟摆标准试样中提取的能量所示。这种测试方法需要标本要用磨碎的槽口 。缺口产生应力集中,促进一种易碎、 而不是韧性,骨折。这种测试方法结果能量吸收每一单位的试样宽度 。

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