ASTM D1148 -07a Section 7.4 快速紫外老化-橡胶
ASTM D1148-07a(橡胶) Section 7.4 Rubber Deterioration-Discoloration from Ultraviolet and Heat Exposure of white and light-Colored Surfaces
ASTM D1148-07a(橡胶) Section 7.4老化检测(橡胶紫外、氙灯老化标准)
ASTM D1148 -07a Section 7.4 快速紫外老化-橡胶
ASTM D1148-07a(橡胶) Section 7.4 Rubber Deterioration-Discoloration from Ultraviolet and Heat Exposure of white and light-Colored Surfaces
ASTM D1148-07a(橡胶) Section 7.4老化检测(橡胶紫外、氙灯老化标准)