GB/T 15905-1995 Rubber, vulcanized-Test method of damp heat aging GB/T 15905-1995 硫化橡胶湿热老化试验方法
GB/T 12000 塑料暴露于湿热、水喷雾和盐雾中影响测定
GB/T 12000-2003 Determination of the effects of exposure to damp heat,water spray and salt mist for plastics GB/T 12000-2003 塑料暴露于湿热、水喷雾和盐雾中影响的测定
ISO 4611 塑料暴露于湿热、水喷淋和盐雾效果测定
ISO 4611-2010 Plastics. Determination of the effects of exposure to damp heat,water spray and salt mist ISO 4611-2010 塑料 暴露于湿热、水喷淋和盐雾的效果测定
GB/T 1740 (涂料) 漆膜耐湿热测定法
GB/T 1740-2007(涂料) Determination of resistance to heat and humidity of paint films GB/T 1740-2007(涂料) 漆膜耐湿热测定法
ASTM D2126 对热和潮湿老化灵敏度试验
ASTM D2126-09 Standard Test Method for Response of Rigid Cellular Plastics to Thermal and Humid Aging ASTM D2126-09 硬质泡沫塑料对热和潮湿老化灵敏度的试验方法
GB/T 1735 色漆和清漆-耐热性的测定
GB/T 1735-2009(涂料) Paints and varnishes–Determination of heat resistance GB/T 1735-2009(涂料) 色漆和清漆 耐热性的测定
GB/T 7141 塑料热老化试验
GB/T 7141-2008 Plastics – Methods of heat aging GB/T 7141-2008 塑料热老化试验方法
ASTM D3045 无负荷下塑料加热老化的推荐规程
ASTM D3045-1992(2010)Standard Practice for Heat Aging of Plastics without Load ASTM D3045-1992(2010) 无负荷下塑料的加热老化的推荐规程
GB/T 3512 橡胶热空气加速老化和耐热试验
GB/T 3512-2001 Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic–Accelerated ageing and heat resistance tests-Air-oven method GB/T 3512-2001 硫化橡胶或塑性橡胶热空气加速老化和耐热试验
DIN 53508 橡胶的试验-加速老化试验
DIN 53508-2000 Testing of rubber – Accelerated ageing DIN 53508-2000 橡胶的试验.加速老化试验