ASTM F 963 玩具安全性的消费者安全标准

ASTM F 963-2008 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety (Only 4.2 Flammability) ASTM F 963-2008 玩具安全性的消费者安全标准(4.2阻燃性) 易朔产品服务(厦门)有限公司将为您提供专业的ASTM F 963玩具安全性的消费者安全标准,联系我们,免费咨询! 根据美国法规的要求,自2009年8月14日起,儿童产品中的铅含量限值将调整为0.03%(300 ppm)。 在玩具、儿童首饰、家具等产品上所使用的油漆油墨等涂层材料中的铅含量限值从0.06%(600ppm)降至0.009%(90ppm),当涂料样品的质量小于10mg或面积小于10cm2时,仍然需要进行检测。 但不包括以下部件或材料中的总铅含量: 1.玩具上儿童不可接触的部件; 2.不可接触的电子部件(可接触的电子部件依据RoHS豁免); 3.某些天然材料:珠宝、珍珠、木材、天然纤维等; 4.某些金属、合金:医用钢、贵金属。 样品要求:成品8 PCS或1 m2 布料 测试周期:7-9工作日

16CFR 1615 儿童睡衣可燃性标准

16CFR 1615(Size 0-6), 16CFR1616(Size 7-14) STANDARD FOR THE FLAMMABILITY OF CHILDREN’S SLEEPWEAR 16CFR 1615(Size 0-6), 儿童睡衣的可燃性标准 16CFR 1615(Size 0-6)儿童睡衣的可燃性标准简介: 16CFR 1615(Size 0-6)儿童睡衣的可燃性标准,该项标准提供了用来确定§ 1615.1(d)中提供的项目的可燃性测试方法。§ 1615.1(d)中提到的所有项目都必须符合该项标准要求。 16CFR 1615(Size 0-6), 16CFR1616(Size 7-14) STANDARD FOR THE FLAMMABILITY OF CHILDREN’S SLEEPWEAR scope: 16CFR 1615(Size 0-6), 16CFR1616(Size 7-14) STANDARD FOR THE FLAMMABILITY OF CHILDREN’S SLEEPWEAR,This Standard […]

BS EN 14878 纺织品儿童睡衣的燃烧性能规范

BS EN 14878:2007纺织品儿童睡衣的燃烧性能规范 BS EN 14878:2007 Textiles. Burning behaviour of children’s nightwear. Specification BS EN 14878:2007纺织品 儿童睡衣的燃烧性能规范简介: BS EN 14878:2007纺织品 儿童睡衣的燃烧性能规范该标准涵盖了所有的儿童睡衣,包括睡衣裤、晚礼服、浴衣及类似服装。该测试测定了样品发光火焰和火焰传播速度等燃烧行为,也包含了睡衣设计原则的要求。该标准应该用来说明符合儿童睡衣风险评估GPSD的过程。 BS EN 14878:2007 Textiles. Burning behaviour of children’s nightwear. Specification scope: The Standard covers all children’s nightwear including Pyjamas, Night Dresses, Dressing Gowns, Bath Robes and Similar Garments. It […]

EN71 欧盟市场玩具类产品规范标准

EN71是欧盟市场玩具类产品的规范标准,对进入欧洲市场的玩具产品进行技术规范,减少或避免玩具对儿童的伤害。 1、EN71-1:physical &mechanical Test 物理和机械性测试 1) Without Sound module 不发声玩具 2) With Sound module 发声玩具 3) Earphone with Sound 耳机发声玩具 4) Ride-on Toys 乘骑玩具 5) Mouth-actuated Toys口动玩具 6) 其他 2、EN71-2:-flammability Test 易燃性测试 1) Finished Product 成品 2) Pile fabric or material 绒毛织物或绒毛材料 3、EN71-3: Toxic Elements Test 有毒金属含量测试 4、EN71-4: Experimental Set […]

ASTM D4214 评估外墙涂料涂层的粉化程度标准测试

ASTM D4214-07 Method B  Standard Test Methods for Evaluating the Degree of Chalking of Exterior Paint Films ASTM D4214-07 Method B 评估外墙涂料的粉化程度涂层的标准测试方法 Scope: 1.1 These test methods cover the evaluation of the degree of chalking on white or tinted exterior paint films. These test methods describe the procedures recommended for […]

ISO 4628-6 色漆和清漆涂层降解评定-第6部分:评定粉化等级

ISO 4628-6:2007 Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 6: Assessment of degree of chalking by tape method ISO 4628-6:2007 色漆和清漆–涂层降解的评定–外表均匀变化强度以及缺陷的数量和大小的规定–第6部分:用胶带法评定粉化等级

ISO 4628-5 色漆和清漆剥蚀评定-第5部分:剥落程度规定

ISO 4628-5:2003(剥落程度) Paints and varnishes; Evaluation of degradation of paint coatings; Designation of intensity, quantity and size of common types of defect,and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance- Part 5 : Assessment of degree of flaking ISO 4628-5:2003(剥落程度) 色漆和清漆.色漆涂层剥蚀的评定一般性缺陷的程度、数量大小的规定.表面统一变化强度.第5部分:剥落程度的规定

ISO 4628-4 色漆和清漆剥蚀评定-第4部分:裂纹程度评定

ISO 4628-4:2003(裂纹程度) Paints and varnishes; Evaluation of degradation of paint coatings; Designation of quantity and size of defect,and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance- Part 4 : Assessment of degree of cracking ISO 4628-4:2003(裂纹程度) 色漆和清漆.色漆涂层剥蚀的评定.一般性缺陷程度、数量大小的规定.表面统一变化强度.第4部分:裂纹程度的评定

ISO 4628-3 色漆和清漆剥蚀评定-第3部分:氧化程度的评定

ISO 4628-3:2003(腐蚀程度) Paints and varnishes; Evaluation of degradation of coatings; Designation quantity and size of defect, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance- Part 3 : Assessment of degree of rusting ISO 4628-3:2003(腐蚀程度) 色漆和清漆.色漆涂层剥蚀的评定.缺陷的一般型式程度数量和大小的规定.表面统一变化强度.第3部分:氧化程度的评定

ISO 4628-2 色漆和清漆-漆膜降解评定-第2部分:起泡等级的评定

ISO 4628-2:2003(起泡程度) Paints and varnishes – Evaluation of degradation of coatings; Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance – Part 2: Assessment of degree of blistering ISO 4628-2:2003(起泡程度) 色漆和清漆.漆膜降解的评定.缺陷量值、大小和外观均匀改变程度的规定.第2部分:起泡等级的评定